The Monika Foundation
Mission Statement:
The vison of the Monika Foundation is to build friendship and help the people in Haiti, especially in Cap-Haitien, Arcahaie, Gonaives, Port-au-Prince, Boston and all over the world. Monika of Germany was a mother of three children. Her and her husband George Schmetz retracted $100 of their salary to support a lay missionary in Haiti. She traveled with her family to visit Haiti and learned its culture. Monika died in 2011. In continuation of her legacy this foundation is looking for people of good will to befriend and support families in Haiti.
Sponsors can send their donations to the foundation. Our team in Haiti will make certain that the recipient use the money responsibly. Many families cannot afford to send their children to school. Primary, high school or college is not gratis. For deprived families who are struggling on the public market to sell their goods, they need friends to donate money that they can grow their business and support their children. The Monika Foundation can assist those in need rebuild or repair their homes, help them to find meaningful work, facilitate education and business opportunities. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate their independence in order to provide for themselves, their families and communities.
The Monika Foundation’s key goal is also to inspire a spirit of gratitude for both recipients and benefactors, realizing that all goods come from the Creator. The Foundation is an approved non-profit organization. It will serve as a bridge to create new friendships, change people’s lives, and make a difference in the global world.
Would you join us in this endeavor?
Fondasyon Monika
Misyon nou:
Se yon òganizasyon ki la pou ede fanmy ki nan difikilte. Kòmanse depi Boston rive Ayiti, Fondasyon Monika pare zòrèy li, pou pote bourad bay fanmy kap travèse moman difisil. Lide sa soti pou onore Monika Schumacher Schmetz, moun peyi Almay, ki mouri, men ki te konn ede yon layik Ayisyen. Monika ak tout mari li Georg, te konn voye $100 kèkfwa, pou sipote travay layik sa an Ayiti. San dola sa te tankou yon ja. Anpil moun te benefisye ladan l. Se pou sa, Fondasyon Monika vle ede tout fanmy kap pase yon move moman.
Nou la pou bay kout men, pa egzanp ede yon fanmy Ayisyen fè yon komès, oswa peye lekòl yon timoun. Men apre sa, fanmy lan dwe pran responsabilite l. Pou fanmy ki nan peyi etranje, si moun nan ap travèse yon move pa, Monika Fondasyon ka prete l yon ti lajan san enterè, pou debare l. Men apre sa, se poul remèt li, si l kapab. Se pi fò pwoblèm sa yo, nou rankontre nan apostola nou, keseswa Ayiti oswa Boston.
Nap chèche kèk moun bòn volonte, ki ta vle bay pi piti $10 dola pa mwa, oswa $120 pa ane, pou n asire yon fanmy ke nap kapab ede l. Ou ka bay kantite ou vle san w pa pran angajman tou. Men konnen kontribisyon w lan a prale nan bon chemen. Tout kolaboratè nan Fondasyon Monika se Volontè. Apa lajan ki soti nan pòch yo, yo vle bay tèt yo, pou fè yon diferans nan lavi fanmy nou yo.
Èske w vle pote bourad nan pwojè sa ? Nou konte sou wou. Mèsi davans.